International Bomber Command Centre Ticket Portal

A Proud Generation

An audience with Candy Adkins - daughter of Jackie Moggeridge, ATA member and the UK’s first female commercial airline pilot and Liz McElwee, daughter of Flt Lt George Milson DFC, a POW and author of the book From Coningsby to the Far East and Back Again.  Chaired by IBCC Trustee and modern giant, Baroness Sarah Hogg.

Ticket options

  • Book Festival - Proud Generation
    Book Festival - Proud Generation
    0 30 max
A Proud Generation

An audience with Candy Adkins - daughter of Jackie Moggeridge, ATA member and the UK’s first female commercial airline pilot and Liz McElwee, daughter of Flt Lt George Milson DFC, a POW and author of the book From Coningsby to the Far East and Back Again.  Chaired by IBCC Trustee and modern giant, Baroness Sarah Hogg.

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